Belize: Paper Flower bouquets and garlands
Lecturer| Melody Wagner Date| July 13th (Mon) 10:00-12:00 Location| Tjimur Dance theatre 1F |
The Charming Traditional art of Piñatas
Lecturer| Rodrigo Lopez Date| July 13th (Mon) 16:00-18:00 Location| Tjimur Dance theatre 1F |
Paiwan "Human Shape Button" Making Course
Lecturer| Denise Chen Date| July 14th (Tus) 10:00-12:00 Location| D-Workshp Sai Jia Village |
Guatemalan Kite of Día de Muertos
Lecturer| Andrea Sandoval Date| July 15th (Wes) 10:00-12:00 Location| Tjimur Dance Theatre 1F |
Paiwan Traditional Food
Lecturer| Wu A-Mei Date| July 16th (Tus) 10:00-12:00 Location| Tjimur Dance Theatre 1F |
Paiwan Lazurite
Lecturer| Liao Yi-Ting Date| July 17th (Fri) 10:00-12:00 Location| Sha-Tao Lazurite Art |