I-Wen Chang Taiwan Guest Curator/International Forum Moderator
I-Wen Chang is an Assistant Professor at Taipei National University of the Arts. She received her PhD in Culture and Performance with a focus on dance at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Her areas of specialization include salsa dance, Taiwanese theatrical dance, interdisciplinary and intercultural performance, post-human performance, and contemporary art criticism. I-Wen is the co-author of the book Pina Bausch: Dancing for the World (Taipei: National Performing Arts Center, 2007). Her research are published in peer-reviewed academic journals, including Art Review (Taipei National University of the Arts, 2020), Body Politics – Journal for the History of the Body (Berlin: Max Planck Institute for Human Development, 2016), and Taiwan Dance Research Journal (Taipei: Taiwan Dance Research Society, 2014). She is a performance critic for Artist Magazine (Taipei) and Performing Arts Review Magazine (Taipei) since 2007, and a contributing reviewer for the online “Performing Arts Reviews,” founded by National Culture and Arts Foundation. She is the co-curator of the exhibition entitled “Hot Body, Cool Tech: the Performative and Choreographed Bodies in New Media” (2017) at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and the curator of “Tradition in Near Future: Ritual Corporeality in Contemporary Taiwanese Arts” (2018) at Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles. She is currently working on an exhibition entitled “Digital Corporeality” (2021). She is a board member of council at the International Association of Theatre Critics(Taiwan) and the Taiwan Dance Research Society. She has been invited as a festival onsite critic, lecturer, international delegate and visiting scholar at Macau Fringe Festival (2020), Bangkok International Performing Arts Meeting (2019), Liveworks Festival at Sydney (2017), the Heidelberg University (2015), the University of Tübingen (2014), among others.
Organizer/ Tjimur Dance Theatre Supervisors/ Ministry of Culture Sponsor/ National Culture Arts Foundation Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation Pintung Culture Foundation Office of Maolin National Scenic Area Management Sandimen Townshop Office Pintung County Government Co-organizer/ IMCCI at Taipei National University of the Arts X USR Hi-Five Plus: 從北投平埔族群到屏東原住民的國際藝術對話